Two nights on the ferry from Portsmouth to Santander port, not Bilbao as originally planned.

Molly the cat was great on the ferry, happy to lie in her new cat basket, under the bunks.
She hates the car though. Had a wee after 5 minutes - we were still in the port. Had a pooh after about 10 minutes.
Waited a bit longer, about half an hour for the next bit. Once we hit the motorway she decided to throw up. So stopped again to clean up for the third time. Good thing we planned ahead. We bought doggy training pads and lined her cat basket with these, so cleaning up not too bad. She was on water and very limited biscuits for the next 12 hours as we drove all the way across Spain, arriving in Torrevieja at c. 7pm.
All the preparations we made just in case we got stopped crossing borders were unnecessary as we only saw two police cars both going in opposite direction on emergency runs. But better to be prepared just in case. Staying at Lynd's friend place tonight. Still not found out where he house keys are yet!